Thursday, January 26, 2012

How To Become a Success Story When Selling Your Home

Selling your home, especially in this market, can be frustrating but it might be easier than you think. Our Brentwood TN Realty expert Monte Mohr is here to tell us what he has been able to do with his clients – selling homes in just days – and how he can help you. Most of my clients go to this url to find more information.

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It’s really incredible what you’re able to do Monte. Welcome back, it’s always great to have you. 

Thanks, it’s always great to be here.

Absolutely, alright first let’s talk about – just to set it up for people who may not have heard you before – let’s talk about your program and explain how it works.

Well we all know by now that it’s a great time to buy a home, but not such a wonderful time to sell. So what we’ve tried to do is to help offset that individual who wants to go out and buy one, but maybe doesn’t have the equity that they once had, or thought they had, or maybe they refinanced recently, by saving them the costs that are normally associated with selling a home by reducing it dramatically because we waive our entire listing fee. We do it all for free!

So you list the house for free, and then the money they saved…

They’ll be able to adjust the sale price so they’ll be able to sell. The problem out there Holly, is that we’re competing with distress properties. We’re competing with short sales, with foreclosed properties. The only way I can do that, is to adjust the price. One way I’m helping to accomplish that is by reducing those costs to sell a home.

Alright, let’s talk about some of these success stories because we’ve got some pictures and we’ve got some other things. Let’s talk about the first one…tell us who this is…it is Todd and Nicole I do believe?

It’s Todd and Nicole, they had their home on the market for over six months with another agency and they weren’t able to sell it. All they were trying to do is break even. They didn’t have any equity in their home. When they listed their home with me, I was able to come down below a certain price threshold and within 30 days, we had a full price offer on the home and helped to move them out to Mt. Juliet.

A full price offer? Wow! Next we have Chad and Renee. 

Chad and Renee, when I listed their home a few months ago there was 15 homes on the market in their neighborhood and nothing was under contract. Again, we were able to break a certain price threshold because they were able to save $15,000 by my program. And again, we sold their home in 21 days.

21 days. Ok, our next couple here, we have Brian and Carla.

Brian and Carla had a home in Antioch, and many of us know that Antioch is even a tougher market over there. Well again, because they were able to save over $4,500 by listing their home – actually over $6,000 – by listing their home with me, we were able to break that $200K price mark and price it at $199,900 where it normally would’ve been at $206-$207K to get the same amount of money and it’s a big mental threshold when people are searching for property.

Now, they sold their home in 15 days?

Yep, 15 days, out in Antioch.

Wow! We also have another couple. This is Leonard and Lisa, right?

Leonard and Lisa had a Home in Nashville Again we were able to break that threshold by me coming in and doing it for free. I actually sold this home myself in 2 days. Again, they were able to save over $6,000 by working the program.

And I think another interesting point with these – because that was at full price – a lot of times people keep thinking, “yeah, but they probably had to keep marking it down and marking it down, and marking it down.” But once you went in and you set the price, and that’s what it sold for.

Set the price for under what normal values would be because I’m doing it for free and they are able to save all that money so they can get down there where the market actually is.

Alright, we have a little less than a minute, so I know you want folks to make sure that they know what to call, and the best way to reach you. And also, I didn’t know if you wanted to mention the whole fact that there is a way that you can find out what your home is worth.

Absolutely; one on my biggest challenges is that people don’t really believe that it’s for real. I promise that everything is legitimate. I go to work for you 110% just like any normal, full-service real estate operation would. And also, I shared last week, there’s a button on my website WeSellHomes4Free that says “What’s My Home Worth?” Click that button, put in your address, and free of charge, with no hassle from anybody, you can see what homes have sold for around your home, and get a good idea what your home value really is.

That will give you a good idea and then you’ll know how to adjust it from there. We appreciate it, always great to see you Monte.

It’s my pleasure.

So many success stories; if you need help buying or selling your home, contact Franklin TN Realty expert Monte Mohr. Another reference that might be helpful is this link

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