Thursday, December 29, 2011

How to train your real estate team to grow them

This Franklin TN Real Estate article is for real estate brokers or realtors that want to grow their team. I have a few ideas that I have learned from raising my kids and from building teams in the past that I believe you will find helpful. Most of my clients go to this url to find more information.
I noticed when raising my kids that they would try things, experiment with ideas as well as have misunderstandings that I had as a child. Many of these misunderstanding had to do with how they approached the activity of doing something, how much they believed in themselves around accomplishing a specific task and or an attitude they had about an experience.

Now once I started looking for and tracking some of the challenges I had at their development I started to notice a tone of very rewarding opportunities to teach and to help them evolve much faster than I did at their age. But there was also a simple method that I used to get them to actually want to learn with me.

Then I realized that most of my team members in my office are doing things that I had a level of experience with. So what I started to do is use the same model I used to teach my kids on them..

My first step was to ask them about the challenges that I had when I was in their place.

And If they had similar challenges I would make sure they knew I was interested in them and how they handled them. I lead with questions and interest first because it seemed to make it a safe place to talk about their challenges.

What I then did is ask them what they thought was the solution. It was the natural course of the conversation but it also seemed to put them in the mode of solving the problem. My next step was to provided what I thought might help them. But because I did that last they seemed to be much more open to my experience and much more likely to consistently model what I taught them.

I am telling you this because to master the business of helping people buy and sell real estate isn't one skill. Its one hundred thousand little lessons that come from years experience. And one way you can increase the efficiency, effectiveness and profit of your team is to help them model your experience. But most of the people just don't consciously know what they don't know about the real estate business. So I want encourage you to find ways to help them want to learn from you...then find ways to teach them so they can reach their potential in our business and for your business. Are you up to the challenge?

I am a brentwood tn real estate expert. If there is anything I can do for you please let me know. Another reference that might be helpful is this link

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

How to Make sure you get more qualified clients

My name is monte mohr I am specialize in Franklin TN Real Estate Have you ever got a call from someone on one of your listing only to request a showing right this very second. Most of my clients go to this url to find more information.
I know that chasing leads can seem like a good idea sometimes because you never know when your next buyer or seller will come from. But I want to invite you to ask a couple questions to save yourself time and frustration.

Think about it, if ten hours a month was wasted on the wrong appointments that's one hundred and twenty hours a year. Or another way to put this is that... almost a full work week was wasted over a 12 month period.

When you consider that there are only fifty two weeks in a year. I think its pretty important to ask these questions to your callers before you go running to show the home. Because personally if I am not going to be getting results from my work I would rather be on vacation.

How to control your time when people call about listings

When a prospect calls about a home and asked to see it, first tell them about the home. Let them know when they ask to see it, that you want to tell them a little about it first.

Describe each part of the home, and follow the description up with the phrase "is that what your looking for?" You might say something like "the home has three bedrooms is that how many bedrooms you were looking for?"

If they say no, most likely they are going to tell you how many they want. After you go through the description of the home and followed each description with a question your next step is to ask about their situation.

Then if they haven't already told you, ask about their time line for wanting to move. By asking about their situation and timeline you will get a pretty clear picture of if they qualify for your time or not.

Are they just a curious neighbor? Do they already have a realtor? Are they not buying a home for three years?

At the end of the conversation if they still want to see the home by all means show it to them. If they don't want to see the home and they need a realtor then end the conversation with this question. "If I was able to find you the home that you described would you want to use me as your realtor in the process?"

This question will qualify or disqualify someone as a new Brentwood TN Real Estate buyer lead. If they say yes put them into your follow up sequence and start sharing homes with them that fit their criteria. Another reference that might be helpful is this link

Sunday, December 18, 2011

building a company page on linked for your real estate company

If you are a broker there are two important functions you should always be thinking about. The first function is how to get leads for you agents. If your agents can't survive they are not going to be able to stay in your office. The second function is attraction new agents. If your not actively attracting new agents you are going. Creating a company page on LinkedIn can help you do both of these things.

 Its very likely that the agents in your office have personal LinkedIn page. And those same agents with LinkedIn pages have probably updated their personal profile letting the world know they work out of your real estate office. What this means to you is that every time someone looks at that realtors profile someone could possibly click on your company name. If they do click on your company name they will end up going to your company page. You might as well take advantage of this traffic. Ideas will be formed when they land on your company page. If you don't have your company page updated, and ready for visitors you could be doing everyone a disservice. One of your agents might lose a lead; because when the prospect clicked on your company page it looked like you where barely in business. Or you might loose out on a new agent, if a associate of an agent you already have clicks on your companies name just to see an underdeveloped company page. This could leave the impression that they don't think you have your business priorities in line.

Bonus content from an interview

Video By Franklin Real Estate

When you set up your company page make sure to include the following.

Make sure you include all the basic information that should be completely up to date. The second button on your company page is called careers. This is a great place to post why someone should become an agent at your office. Under the products or services button you can include information about why your agents are the best choice for anyone wanting to buy or sell their home. You can advertise your company through a LinkedIn ad campaign. This advertising process can be broken up into four easy steps. Consider testing out an advertising campaign for company locally. Remember that the average person on LinkedIn has a much higher net worth than the average person on Facebook or Twitter. What this means is that you might be able to increase your average transaction per lead by advertising on LinkedIn.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Fixing your home up to sell it

Video By Franklin TN Homes for Sale

The next question is from Jimmy in Nashville. He says…

“I spent over $5,000 on my garage recently on built-ins and a new floor. My agent says that kind of improvement does not increase my home’s value; is that true?”

Jimmy, I’m sorry but it doesn’t. One of the things that you need to remember with this kind of improvement – a pool, or a sun room, or things like this – is that they don’t necessarily add value, but they do increase your ability to sell the property. If a buyer has narrowed their search down to yours and one other home, and your house has this additional factor, then that’s probably how they would go if the homes are equal.

Unfortunately, so many times when a sales person is selling a particular item to someone, they are making claims that they’ll get their money back for it and that doesn’t always happen; sometimes you only get 10-20% on the dollar. So remember when you make that kind of improvement to do it for your own benefit and the added personal value.

Next is a question from Shelby of Hendersonville who asks…

“My agent has done an open house once a month for 6 months and our home still has not sold. What can we do? We can’t lower the price any more!”

First of all, it’s important to understand that the open houses don’t sell homes. Unfortunately many people think that they do because there are so many going on all the time. In fact, an open house is truly an outside effort on the agent’s behalf to look they are doing something proactive to sell the home. According to the National Association of Realtors, there is a 99% chance that someone walking into an open house will not buy that house. Hopefully they are not just a nosey neighbor and they are really a buyer; that’s why agents are doing open houses. But hear the frustration and really what it comes down to is a price issue.

If you’ll send me the information for your listing, I’ll be happy to look at it with a second set of experienced eyes to determine if something is missing. A lot of times someone can inadvertently miss something in a listing that can keep it from being visible or apparent to the consumer out there. I am not trying to solicit anybody else’s listings; I just want to provide an additional set of eyes to try and help you get your home sold.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

How to help your buyers find their home faster

Video By Franklin TN Real Estate

Have you ever had a buyer client that wanted to look at one million homes before they decided to buy a home for sale in nashville? Something very dangerous can happen to your business when you get a buyer like that. Because you can take the dollar per service hour you should be getting and cut it down into half or more. This can sometime happen before we even realize it. That's why it is important to teach your buyers how to look for their dream home.

Presorting Through Personal Understanding

The clearer your buyers understand their needs, wants and how to prioritize them; the easier it will be for you to narrow down their search criteria. When you are able to narrow down their search criteria, you can show few homes. The key to doing this effectively is getting their financing options taken care on the front end of their home buying experience. Then after the financing is taken care of getting a clear picture of exactly what they want and need.

Help them understand that their dream home may not be a perfect home

Everyone wants everything about their home to be perfect... including me. But the truth is the process of finding your dream home is a process of measuring variables of what you want against things your willing to deal with. So help your buyers to understand this and help them figure out what they absolutely need to be happy with their real estate purchase.

They Have to Trust You

If your buyers don't trust that you know what you are doing they are going to search on their own. If they start searching on their own two things could happen. First, they could end up bringing you a bunch of homes they want to see... that don't fit the criteria they really want, need or can afford. Or even worse they could end up searching and calling another realtor to show them their listing. Many buyer agents have lost good clients when they go look at a home with another realtor... so be careful.

The best way to get your buyers to trust your experience is to tell stories of how you have helped other people. Your success stories will build your credibility.

Get Them to Commit to Buying a Home

Buying a brentwood home is a big emotional commitment for most people. Many people look at a ton of homes just because they are getting comfortable with the idea of making that commitment. The sooner you can help them feel comfortable with the idea of buying a home the fewer homes they will need to see to be happy. Another reference that might be helpful is this link

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

little real estate blog coming soon.

I will be posting some stuff about my real estate experience real soon.  I hope you guys enjoy this as much as I do.  Would love to hear about any questions you might have