Thursday, December 29, 2011

How to train your real estate team to grow them

This Franklin TN Real Estate article is for real estate brokers or realtors that want to grow their team. I have a few ideas that I have learned from raising my kids and from building teams in the past that I believe you will find helpful. Most of my clients go to this url to find more information.
I noticed when raising my kids that they would try things, experiment with ideas as well as have misunderstandings that I had as a child. Many of these misunderstanding had to do with how they approached the activity of doing something, how much they believed in themselves around accomplishing a specific task and or an attitude they had about an experience.

Now once I started looking for and tracking some of the challenges I had at their development I started to notice a tone of very rewarding opportunities to teach and to help them evolve much faster than I did at their age. But there was also a simple method that I used to get them to actually want to learn with me.

Then I realized that most of my team members in my office are doing things that I had a level of experience with. So what I started to do is use the same model I used to teach my kids on them..

My first step was to ask them about the challenges that I had when I was in their place.

And If they had similar challenges I would make sure they knew I was interested in them and how they handled them. I lead with questions and interest first because it seemed to make it a safe place to talk about their challenges.

What I then did is ask them what they thought was the solution. It was the natural course of the conversation but it also seemed to put them in the mode of solving the problem. My next step was to provided what I thought might help them. But because I did that last they seemed to be much more open to my experience and much more likely to consistently model what I taught them.

I am telling you this because to master the business of helping people buy and sell real estate isn't one skill. Its one hundred thousand little lessons that come from years experience. And one way you can increase the efficiency, effectiveness and profit of your team is to help them model your experience. But most of the people just don't consciously know what they don't know about the real estate business. So I want encourage you to find ways to help them want to learn from you...then find ways to teach them so they can reach their potential in our business and for your business. Are you up to the challenge?

I am a brentwood tn real estate expert. If there is anything I can do for you please let me know. Another reference that might be helpful is this link

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